[Article 2 in the TCBC By-Laws]

A. We believe that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” We believe that the Bible,
which is inerrant in the original manuscripts, is supreme authority in all matters of
faith and conduct of the Christian.

B. We believe there is one God, the Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, eternally existing
in three persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – and that these three are one

C. We believe that Jesus Christ, our Lord, is the only Son of God. We believe in His virgin
birth, atoning death, and bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the Father, and in His
personal return in power and glory.

D. We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine Person, sent to indwell, guide, instruct,
sanctify and empower the believer, and to convict the world concerning sin,
righteousness and judgment.

E. We believe the truth of “justification by faith.” We are saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.

F. We believe in the one Holy Universal Church which is the Body of Christ and to which
all believers belong, and in its mission to witness concerning its Head, Jesus Christ,
preaching the gospel to all nations.

G. We believe that baptism by immersion and the Lord’s supper are the two most
important sacraments and ordinances of the Church and that they are a Scriptured
means of the testimony for the church in its age.

H. We believe that “marriage” is the exclusive covenantal union of one man and one
woman in which such union is a lifetime commitment.